List pricing is provided  below and you can place an order directly from this page.
  • We offer custom pricing on orders with 24+ samples or a substantial total data volume.
  • Contact us to obtain a personalized quote that’s adjusted to your project’s size and timeline.
Variant Calling $20/Sample

DNA Extraction

Short read sequencing, Illumina

Sample requirements: >10ng/ul in at least 30ul of volume.

Our short read sequencing service provides 150bp paired end reads. Short reads can be useful for a range of applications, including genotyping of clones, whole population and metagenomic sequencing, and amplicon/microbiome profiling. Quantities listed are guaranteed minimums.



Variant Calling

Our variant calling service includes mapping of short reads against a reference genome. Our service builds upon the best-of-class breseq software to provide intuitive insights into the genetic differences between your sample and the genome reference.

DNA Extraction

Small; 200 Mbp/1.3 Million reads

From: $0.00

  • Short reads; small 200 Mbp/1.3 Million reads

    $77.00 each
  • Variant Calling

    $15.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each
SKU: 1201 Category:

Additional information

Short reads; small 200 Mbp/1.3 Million reads


Small, DNA, Variant

Medium; 400 Mbp/2.7 Million reads

From: $0.00

  • Short reads; medium 400 Mbp/2.7 Million reads

    $99.00 each
  • Variant Calling

    $15.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each
SKU: 1401 Category:

Medium-large; 650 Mbp/4.3 Million reads

From: $0.00

  • Short reads; medium-large 650 Mbp/4.3 Million reads

    $111.00 each
  • Variant Calling

    $15.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each
SKU: 1501 Category:

Large; 1000 Mbp/6.7 Million reads

From: $0.00

  • Short reads; large 1000 Mbp/6.7 Million reads

    $122.00 each
  • Variant Calling

    $15.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each
SKU: 1601 Category:

XL 2000Mbp/13.3 Million reads

From: $0.00

  • Short reads; XL 2000Mbp/13.3 Million reads

    $159.00 each
  • Variant Calling

    $15.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each
SKU: 1631 Category:

Additional information

Short reads; XL 2000Mbp/13.3 Million reads


Small, DNA, Variant

Long read sequencing, Oxford Nanopore

Sample requirements: >40ng/ul in at least 60ul of volume.

Our long read sequencing service provides reads up to 100kbp (occasionally much longer) in length. To maximize read length we strongly recommend using our extraction service, because long DNA fragments may shear during shipping and with some extraction methods.

Long reads can be useful for a range of applications, including sequencing longer amplicons, repetitive plasmids or viruses, spanning difficult to map/assemble regions, and for resolving complex metagenomes. Quantities listed are guaranteed minimums.



Variant Calling

DNA Extraction

Small; 300 Mbp/300k reads

From: $0.00

  • Long reads; small 300 Mbp/300k reads

    $150.00 each
  • Variant Calling

    $15.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each

medium 600 Mbp/600k reads

From: $0.00

  • Long reads; medium 600 Mbp/600k reads

    $175.00 each
  • Variant Calling

    $15.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each

Large; 900 Mbp/900k reads

From: $0.00

  • Long reads; large 900 Mbp/900k reads

    $200.00 each
  • Variant Calling

    $15.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each

XL 1500 Mbp/1500k reads

From: $0.00

  • Long reads; XL 1500 Mbp/1500k reads

    $250.00 each
  • Variant Calling

    $15.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each

Our convenient and  comprehensive strain typing service bundles bead-beating extraction, short read sequencing, and bioinformatics analysis to produce reports on the MLST (multi-locus sequence type) of your strain of interest.

Please send frozen cell pellets (50-100mg) or sealed, pre-grown agar plates.



ST 200 Mbp/1.3 Million reads and report

From: $0.00

  • Strain Typing; small 200 Mbp/1.3 Million reads and report

    $168.00 each
SKU: 7151 Category:

  Please contact us for pricing of long read Nanopore strain typing

Sample requirements: >10ng/ul in at least 30ul of water, samples must be free of PCR inhibitors including EDTA.

Use full-length 16S sequencing to maximize species and strain-level resolution. Custom pricing for full-length 16S starts at 24 samples; contact us for more information.

Quantities listed are guaranteed minimums.

Contact us for pricing information on analysis to get community composition and diversity metrics, in both table and graph formats.



DNA Extraction

V3/V4 20k reads, 2x300bp

From: $0.00

  • 16S V3/V4 20k reads, 2x300bp

    $43.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each
SKU: 6111 Category:

V3/V4 50k reads, 2x300bp

From: $0.00

  • 16S V3/V4 50k reads, 2x300bp

    $53.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each
SKU: 6121 Category:

V3/V4 100k reads, 2x300bp

From: $0.00

  • 16S V3/V4 100k reads, 2x300bp

    $73.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each
SKU: 6131 Category:

full-length 10k reads, Nanopore

From: $0.00

  • 16S full-length 10k reads, Nanopore

    $74.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each
SKU: 6311 Category:

full-length 25k reads, Nanopore

From: $0.00

  • 16S full-length 25k reads, Nanopore

    $102.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each
SKU: 6321 Category:

full-length; 50k reads, Nanopore

From: $0.00

  • 16S full-length; 50k reads, Nanopore

    $123.00 each
  • DNA Extraction

    $15.00 each
SKU: 6331 Category:

  Please contact us for custom primers, including ITS, and for analysis pricing

Hybrid whole genome sequencing
-bundled extraction and sequencing

Sample requirements: frozen cell pellet (50-100mg) or sealed, pre-grown agar plate.

Our hybrid sequencing service provides both 150bp paired end reads in combination with long reads for a given sample. HMW DNA extraction is also included!

This sequencing strategy is especially useful for building robust reference genomes; the long reads drastically reduce the number of contigs and the depth afforded by the short reads increases the confidence of each nucleotide position.



small 400+300 Mbp/3 Million reads

From: $0.00

  • Hybrid; small 400+300 Mbp/3 Million reads (up to 8Mbp genomes)

    $250.00 each

medium 1000+600 Mbp/7.3 Million reads

From: $0.00

  • Hybrid; medium 1000+600 Mbp/7.3 Million reads (up to 20Mbp genomes)

    $325.00 each

large 2000+1200 Mbp/14.5 Million reads

From: $0.00

  • Hybrid; large 2000+1200 Mbp/14.5 Million reads (up to 40Mbp genomes)

    $485.00 each

  Please contact us for analysis pricing

Poly-A Enrichment RNAseq, Illumina
-compatible with eukaryotes only

Our RNA sequencing service provides 150bp paired end reads.

Please send >50ng/ul of RNA in a volume of at least 20ul (more is better!), shipped frozen on dry ice. We recommend that sample concentrations be quantified by Qubit or other fluorometry-based techniques, as Nanodrop methods tend to overestimate quantity. DNAse treatment during extraction is recommended. For optimal results, the RIN should be at least 7.



polyA; 12M reads, 2x150bp

From: $0.00

  • RNAseq polyA; 12M reads, 2x150bp

    $240.00 each
SKU: 1851 Category:

polyA; 25M reads, 2x150bp

From: $0.00

  • RNAseq polyA; 25M reads, 2x150bp

    $288.00 each
SKU: 1861 Category:

polyA; 50M reads, 2x150bp

From: $0.00

  • RNAseq polyA; 50M reads, 2x150bp

    $394.00 each
SKU: 1871 Category:

Ribodepletion RNAseq, Illumina

Our RNA sequencing service provides 150bp paired end reads.

Please send >50ng/ul of RNA in a volume of at least 20ul (more is better!), shipped frozen on dry ice. We recommend that sample concentrations be quantified by Qubit or other fluorometry-based techniques, as Nanodrop methods tend to overestimate quantity. DNAse treatment during extraction is recommended. For optimal results, the RIN should be at least 7.



-compatible with eukarotes and prokaryotes

12M reads, 2x150bp

From: $0.00

  • RNAseq ribo; 12M reads, 2x150bp

    $259.00 each
  • Spacer

    $0.00 each
  • Spacer

    $0.00 each
SKU: 1811 Category:

25M reads, 2x150bp

From: $0.00

  • RNAseq ribo; 25M reads, 2x150bp

    $312.00 each
  • Spacer

    $0.00 each
  • Spacer

    $0.00 each
SKU: 1821 Category:

50M reads, 2x150bp

From: $0.00

  • RNAseq ribo; 50M reads, 2x150bp

    $413.00 each
  • Spacer

    $0.00 each
  • Spacer

    $0.00 each
SKU: 1831 Category:





From: $0.00

  • Variant Calling

    $15.00 each
SKU: 8101 Category:


From: $0.00

  • Assembly and annotation; Prokaryotes

    $28.00 each
  • Spacer

    $0.00 each
  • Spacer

    $0.00 each
SKU: 8211 Category:


From: $0.00

  • 16S/ITS microbiome analysis

    $25.00 each
  • Spacer

    $0.00 each
  • Spacer

    $0.00 each
SKU: 8251 Category:

Additional information

16S/ITS microbiome analysis


Small, DNA, Variant


From: $0.00

  • Bacterial profiling

    $40.00 each
SKU: 8151 Category:

    – including strain typing, outbreak identification, and monitoring)

  Custom bioinformatics services
    – including metagenomics, transcriptome assembly, differential expression, pangenomic analysis
    – please contact us for a custom quote

Prepaid Sequencing and Bioinformatics



valid for one year from purchase date

From: $0.00

  • Insights Vouchers (valid for one year from purchase date)

    $100.00 each
SKU: 1011 Category:
Have a large project? We offer tailored quotes  and attractive discounts on orders of 24+ samples or bulk sequencing orders, such as full flow cells and substantial data volumes.
Contact us to obtain a personalized quote that’s adjusted to your project’s size and timeline.

Please click the “Add to Cart” button once – only once.

Sample Preparation Guidelines

Nucleic Acid Samples

Service Concentration* Volume Buffer Shipping Considerations
Short read sequencing, Illumina
>10 ng/µL
>30 µL
nuclease-free water or dilute TE (1:10)
Can be shipped at room temperature.
Long read sequencing, Oxford Nanopore
>50 ng/µL
>60 µL
nuclease-free water
Should be shipped with ice packs or on dry ice.
†Poly-A Enrichment RNAseq, Illumina
>25 ng/µL RNA
>20 µL. Please include a second aliquot (~5 µL) for sample QC.
nuclease-free water or dilute TE (1:10)
RNA should be shipped overnight on dry ice.
†Ribodepletion RNAseq, Illumina
>25 ng/µL RNA
>20 µL. Please include a second aliquot (~5 µL) for sample QC.
nuclease-free water or dilute TE (1:10)
RNA should be shipped overnight on dry ice.
16S Amplicon (Illumina or Nanopore)
>10 ng/µL
>30 µL
nuclease-free water
Can be shipped at room temperature.
Full Flow Cell Runs, Illumina
Prepared and pooled libraries with a final concentration of at least 2 nM.
RSB + Tween
Can be shipped with ice packs or on dry ice.
Full Flow Cell Runs, Nanopore
Same as long read Nanopore
nuclease-free water
Should be shipped with ice packs or on dry ice.

*We recommend quantifying by Qubit, as Nanodrop can overestimate concentrations >10-fold if contaminants are present.

We highly recommend eluting samples in nuclease-free water or diluted TE, as excessive EDTA can interfere with with library prep. Extraction contaminants (salts, phenol, polysaccharides, etc.) can cause sample failure.

†Note for RNA services: To minimize the amount of time that your RNA samples are thawed, please label your tubes with their SeqCoast tube IDs and dilute your samples to <250 ng/µL prior to shipping. 

Services that include DNA Extraction

Service Sample Type Shipping Considerations
Hybrid whole genome sequencing, Illumina/Nanopore OR Strain typing, Illumina
Frozen cell pellets (50 - 100 mg), all supernatent removed; OR Sealed, pre-grown agar plates - must have enough growth to allow us to easily collect 50 - 100 mg of colonies.*
Ship frozen cell pellets on dry ice. Ship agar plates with ice packs or at room temperature.

*We have found that ~10e9 E. coli cells is sufficient for our extraction workflows.

Looking for detailed guidance on selecting the right sequencing approach for your science? Our consultation services provide expert advice tailored to your project's needs.