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Sequencing and bioinformatics from genomics experts

Full Flow Cells & Bulk Sequencing Services

Sequencing and bioinformatics from genomics experts

Short Read Bulk Sequencing- Illumina

Flow Cell Type Read Qty. Read Length Cycle Qty. Data Volume
P1; Illumina short read
100M single-end or 200M paired-end
100 bp
100 cycles
10 Gb
300 bp
300 cycles
30 Gb
600 bp
600 cycles
60 Gb
P2; Illumina short read
400M single-end or 800M paired-end
100 bp
100 cycles
40 Gb
200 bp
200 cycles
80 Gb
300 bp
300 cycles
120 Gb
P2; Illumina short read
300M single-end or 600M paired-end
600 bp
600 cycles
180 Gb
P3; Illumina short read
1.2B single-end or 2.4B paired-end
50 bp
50 cycles
60 Gb
100 bp
100 cycles
120 Gb
200 bp
200 cycles
240 Gb
300 bp
300 cycles
360 Gb
Submission Requirements
  • Read configuration desired
    • e.g. 2x150bp paired end reads
    • Read Lengths listed here represent the maximum read length for each configuration. This can be customized if you need a specific read length!
  • Multiplexing strategy
    • List of indexes used, unique dual vs combinatorial, etc.
  • Whether PhiX spike-in is needed
    • We recommend 35-40% PhiX for low-diversity library pools
  • Confirm that custom sequencing primers are not needed for the NextSeq2000
Service Includes
  • QC of your sample via Qubit and Tapestation
  • Dilution to loading concentration
  • Demultiplexing analysis using the customer provided data sheet
  • Data delivery within 14 business days
    • Complete Illumina sequencing output with sequencing stats and summary
    • Fastq files for individual samples according to customer-provided demultiplexing key
    • Materials and methods summary
Sample Requirements
  • Prepared and pooled libraries with a final concentration of at least 2 nM
Optional Add-Ons
  • DNA extraction
  • Library prep
  • Library pooling

Long Read Bulk Sequencing - Nanopore

Flow Cell Type Read Length Data Volume
Read length is highly variable and dependent on high quality sample input. We offer DNA extraction services using workflows designed to maximize fragment length and quality from diverse sample types.
Typical output between 10-20 Gbp
Typical output between 60-120 Gbp
Submission Requirements
  • Whether native ligation or rapid transposase PCR-free library prep should be used
Service Includes
  • QC of your sample via Qubit and Tapestation
  • PCR-free library prep for one sample
    • Native ligation or rapid transposase
  • Data delivery within 14 business days
    • One fastq file per sample
    • Fast5 files with kinetic data
    • Sequencing stats and summary
    • Materials and methods summary
Sample Requirements
  • Total sample volume of >60 µL at a concentration of at least 50 ng/µL
Optional Add-Ons
  • DNA extraction
  • Additional library preps
  • Adaptive sampling methods to enrich coverage in regions of interest

Contact us to get a custom quote for high volume sequencing.

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Looking for detailed guidance on selecting the right sequencing approach for your science? Our consultation services provide expert advice tailored to your project's needs.